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© 2023

the guy who painted stripes on the sky


he saw the great decay for today

white spray made oats croak so far away

gray clouds moved without a noise

a destroyed tortoise lay without a voice

he saw the clouds dying, saw no workarounds

they had no option, above the mounds


at last came the guy who painted stripes on the sky

he stretched to reach him with a loudly cry

I was the guy who painted stripes on the sky

white paint on wide sky, a terrible lie


a mean sail feared the great blue seas

it was waiting on the beach in the sand with the trees

the sailor, meanwhile, took another sip

all the next sips were skipped, he was badly ripped

he let himself fall into his decay

I couldn't find him, deep in the water today


at last came the guy who painted stripes on the sky

he stretched to reach him with a loudly cry

I was the guy who painted stripes on the sky

white paint on wide sky, a terrible lie



Songs for the Exhausted | Naked Lunch


 suburban comfort


knochenlos quetschende menschenmasse

geschmeidig, widerwärtig, total absurd

in einer zarten geradeso offenen furt

bienvenue: in der zweiten klasse.


willkommen im club der schwitzer und stinker

der nässenden maden, der stark verbrauchten

willkommen im club der gescheuchten durchlauchten

der hassenden ritzer und auch der trinker.


hemmungslos durch, von trieben getrieben

gedanken- und aussichtsloses schieben.

kapitulieren als variation

einer hoffnungsgebadeten illusion.



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